Security News: Alexander Antipov Issue 116

Top Programming Languages of 2023: Python and Java Lead the Rankings

In the latest report, Python and Java have emerged as the top programming languages in terms of popularity and usage. These languages have proven to be trendy and in high demand among developers. Additionally, SQL has topped the list as the most sought-after programming language among employers.

Cheap Propaganda Machine Created Using Artificial Intelligence

In a startling development, a developer has managed to create a highly efficient fake generator using artificial intelligence. Remarkably, the cost of maintaining this propaganda machine amounts to less than $400 per month. This revelation raises concerns about the potential impact of such technology on disinformation campaigns.

Gaps in Atlasvpn Lead to Leaked Military Secrets and Identity Exposure

Due to security vulnerabilities in the popular VPN service, Atlasvpn, hackers have been able to access the real IP addresses of Linux version users. This breach has led to the leakage of thousands of classified documents pertaining to submarines, chemical laboratories, and other military secrets of Britain. Meanwhile, in the United States, plans are underway to mass-produce thousands of autonomous military robots within the next two years.

Discover the Latest Cybersecurity Events in the 116th Edition of “Security-News”

Stay informed about the most important and significant events in the world of cybersecurity by checking out the latest edition of “Security-News”. Be sure to delve into the intriguing developments and updates shaping the cybersecurity landscape.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.