Scientists have proposed a new method for determining the mass of the mysterious subatomic particle, the neutrino. While it was previously believed that neutrinos had no mass, modern theories suggest otherwise. The exact value of their mass remains unknown, but this new method could provide valuable insights into the structure of the universe.
Understanding the mass of neutrinos is crucial in unravelling the mysteries of the early universe. However, these particles have proven challenging to study due to their elusive nature and reluctance to interact with modern equipment and detectors.
The proposed solution involves tracking beta-decay, specifically in the rare radioactive isotope of hydrogen known as tritia. By observing this decay process, scientists hope to determine the mass of the neutrino.
During the decay of tritia, three subatomic particles are formed: Helia, electron, and the elusive neutrino. Scientists believe that by knowing the total mass and the mass of the other two particles, they can calculate the missing mass attributed to the neutrino.
This method relies on the spectroscopy of cyclotron resonance (Cres), which involves capturing microwave radiation emitted by flying electrons and drawing conclusions about the associated neutrino.
“Neutrinos are incredibly lightweight,” explains physicist Talia Weiss from Yale University. “They are more than 500,000 times lighter than electrons, so the mass of the neutrino only has a slight effect on the movement of electrons.”
While Cres has been used in previous experiments, this latest study specifically analyzes the beta-decay of tritia to set an upper limit on the mass of the neutrino.
Researchers emphasize the importance of understanding the mass of neutrinos in various fields of physics, including nuclear and particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology.
“This is pioneering work,” says physicist Alice Novitsky from the University of Washington. “We are not trying to modify existing techniques but rather shedding new light on the subject.”