After a year and a half of development, releases of a lung and fast mailing customer, Claws Mail 3.20 and 4.2.0, have been published. Claws Mail separated from the project Sylpheed in 2005, after developing jointly from 2001 to 2005. Claws Mail was used to test future innovations of Sylpheed. The Claws Mail interface is built using GTK and the code is spread under the GPL license. Branches 3.x and 4.x develop parallelly and differ in the version of the GTK library used: GTK2 in the 3.x branch and GTK3 in the 4.x branch.
Key Innovations:
- The possibility of opening the selected postal folder immediately after starting, by turning on the “Open on Start-up” item in the context menu.
- Statistics on identified spam have been added to the page with information about the session.
- The ability to save only the attachments to the letter, without other parts of the message, has been added.
- Support for the search expression “v H v” has been added to the quick search feature.
- The definition of MIME-types “font/*” and “Chemical/*” has been ensured.
- IMAP has supported the authentication mechanisms of SCRAM-SHA-{224, 256, 384, 512}.
- An indicator for the execution of removal operations through IMAP has been added to the status line.
- The Gdata plugin has been removed.
- The Fancy plugin no longer requires LibsouP and Libsoup-Unome as dependencies.
- The Litehtml Viewer Plugin code has been synchronized with the library liteHtml 0.7 and requires at least a version of the library libgumbo 0.12.
- New options “–enable-more-ddressbook-debug” and “–enable-more-ldap-debug” have been added for advanced debugging of the targeted book and appeals to LDAP.
- The interface translation into Russian has been improved.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.