Issue TR1X 3.0: Open Engine for Tomb Raider Game

TR1X 3.0 has been published by the developers of an open game engine that can be used as an alternative to the third-person shooter game TOMB RAIDER. This new version of TR1X introduces significant enhancements to the original engine.

The open project now includes a new PS1-style interface and improved scaling options. Additionally, the window mode performance has been enhanced and new visual effects have been added. The latest version also offers support for changing the field of vision, camera position, and the ability to look sideways during running and up/down during jumps. Moreover, the rendering system has undergone significant modernization and various flaws and errors present in the original engine have been eliminated. The code of the engine is written in the si language and is distributed under the GPLV3 license. To play the game, game resources from Tomb Raider 1 are required.

This new release of TR1X brings several notable features. Firstly, it now supports the Linux platform, enabling more players to enjoy the game. Moreover, a debug console has been added for developers, and players can choose between the original levels and the developed levels. Additionally, the game supports bonus levels that are unlocked when players find secrets within the game. Similar to Tomb Raider 2, TR1X now allows players to perform flips underwater and lean forward or backward during direct jumps. The CPU load has also been reduced in the personnel planning code.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.