Rust 1.74 Released by Mozilla Project and Rust Foundation
The general-purpose programming language Rust 1.74 has been released under the auspices of the independent non-profit organization Rust Foundation. Rust was originally founded by the Mozilla project. This new version focuses on safe memory management and high parallelism, eliminating the need for a garbage collector and Runtime. The language provides mechanisms to prevent errors when manipulating memory and protects against problems that arise from low-level memory work, such as accessing released memory, extending zero signs, buffer overflow, and more.
Rust uses memory working methods that ensure the safety of developers during compilation. The language performs reference checking, tracks object ownership, considers object lifetime (visibility), and assesses memory access correctness during code execution. Rust also provides protection against integer overflow, requires variable initialization before use, handles errors better in the standard library, applies the concept of immutable links, and offers strong static typing to minimize logical errors.
The Cargo package manager is used in Rust to distribute libraries, manage dependencies, and support the repository on
Main Innovations
- Lint Provers Configuration: The latest release introduces the ability to configure Lint Provers through the Cargo.toml file. This allows developers to set Lint settings, such as response levels (Forbid, Deny, Warn, Allow), using new sections “[Lints]” and “[workspace.lints]”. This change simplifies the process compared to using assembly flags or attributes in the code. Now, developers can specify the Lint settings in the Cargo manifesto: [] unsafe_code=”forbid” [lints.clippy] enum_glob_use=”deny”
- Authentication in CRATE Package Manager: The CRATE package manager now supports authentication when connecting to the repository. The initial release includes support for authentication parameters storage on Linux (based on libsecret), macOS (KeyChain), and Windows (Windows Credential Manager). The system is modular and supports various providers for storage and generation of tokens. For example, a plugin has been developed to use the password manager 1Password. Authentication can be requested by the