FFMPEG 6.1 Multimedia Package Released

After ten months of development, the multimedia package FFMPEG 6.1 is now available. FFMPEG is a collection of applications and libraries for operations on various multimedia formats, including recording, transformation, and decoding of sound and video formats. The package is distributed under the LGPL and GPL licenses and is closely related to the mplayer project.

According to the changes in ffmpeg 6.1, some notable additions include:

  • The possibility of using the API Vulkan for hardware acceleration of video decoding in the formats H264, HEVC, and AV1.
  • An AV1 video encoder implemented on the basis of VAAPI.
  • Support for the use of HEVC, VP9, and AV1 codecs in flows based on the RTMP protocol and in files in FLV format.
  • A parser, encoder, and decoder of media apparaters in the format evc (Essential Video Coding), developed by the MPEG working group as a standard MPEG-5.
  • Vaapi support on Windows systems with Libva-Win32 library expanded.
  • The possibility of using P_Skip parameters to accelerate video coding using the Libx264 library.
  • An encoder for video in Microsoft Rle.
  • New decoders for PlayDate, Rivatuner, VMIX, and OSQ.
  • A decoder of subtitles Arib STD-B24 was implemented based on the library libaribcapation.
  • Unpackers of media conflicts (Demuxer) were added for RAW VVC (Versatile Video Coding, New Standard H.266/MPEG-I PART 3), PlayDate, RAW AC-4, OSQ, and CRI USM.
  • Packagists of media conflicts (Muxer) were added for RAW AC-4 and RAW VVC.

New filters for video:

  • color_vulkan – creates a frame of a given color through an appeal to the API Vulkan.
  • bwdif_vulkan – performs de-interlacing using the algorithm bwdif (Bob Weaver Deinterlacing Filter), implemented using API vulkan.
  • bwdif_cuda – de-aising using the algorithm BWDIF,
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.