News Report: Webos Open Source Edition 2.24 Released
Webos Open Source Edition 2.24, an open platform that can be used on various portable devices, boards, and automobile information and entertainment systems, has been presented. Raspberry Pi 4 payments are considered as a reference hardware platform. The platform develops in a public repository under the Apache 2.0 license, and the community is overseas, adhering to a joint model development management. (source)
The main changes in the new issue are as follows:
- Refactoring multimedia services aimed at excluding bindings between media services for working with camera and media server, eliminating the need for developers to use methods from different APIs for the implementation of certain capabilities.
- Added a new universal service, com.Service.MediaRecorder, to record a video from the camera and sound from the microphone.
- Implemented separate functionality for organizing pre-examination of data from the camera, tied only to the API Com.webos.Service.camera2 (previously required the use of both the API Com.webos.Service.camera2 and
- Updated the browser engine to the CHROMIUM 108 code base (previously used Chromium 94).
- Provided assembly with QT 6.7.0.
- Improved memory management in the component for working with the G-Camera-Pipeline camera.
- Eliminated the problem with URL updates in the address bar in the Enact browser.
- Resolved issues with the assembly of ordinary QT applications in the emulator.
- Documented API com.palm.Service.tellurium, designed for interaction with Web applications.
Webos platform was originally developed by Palm in 2008 and was used on smartphones Palm Pre and pixie. In 2010, after the absorption of Palm, the platform passed
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