In the field of brain implants capable of connecting the human brain with computers, there is significant progress. Ilona Mask Neuralink, which develops such devices, announced the beginning of a set of volunteers for clinical trials of its implant. A device intended for paralyzed people allows you to control a cursor or keyboard by the power of thought.
There are a number of competing developments. So, Synchron demonstrates the safety of its implant in long-term tests. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is implanted through Vienna, bypassing the open operation on the brain, and allows users to send text messages and use the Internet.
In addition to Neuralink and Synchron, other companies are actively working in the field. Precision Neuroscience, for example, develops less invasive technologies that allow you to read brain activity with high accuracy. This opens the way for the treatment of various neurological and mental disorders.
Motif Neurotesh focuses on the treatment of traditional depression methods resistant to traditional methods. Their device, introduced into the skull, is designed to stimulate certain parts of the brain.
Forest Neurotech is working on a unique ultrasound implant that reads brain activity and provides therapeutic stimulation with sound waves. This approach differs from traditional methods based on the electrical activity of the brain.
The development of brain implant technologies can significantly affect the treatment of many diseases, including paralysis, depression, and dementia. However, the effectiveness and safety of these technologies are still at the study stage. It is important to note that successes in this field have become possible thanks to decades of scientific research and significant investments in neurosai.