Scientists from the universities of Bonn and St. Andrews have proposed a new possible explanation of the Hubble Paradox, one of the key problems in cosmology. According to this hypothesis, the Universe expands at different speeds, which causes contradictions in the measurements of constant Hubble-Lemetra, which determines the expansion speed.
Researchers suggest looking at the problem through the prism of an alternative theory of gravity. Using the “modified Newtonian dynamics” (mond), they were able to explain the discrepancies in the dimensions, assuming the presence of “bubbles” in the structure of the universe, where the density of matter is lower. This is a discovery published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, casting doubt on the standard cosmology model based on Einstein’s theory.
Distishes in measurements
The measurements of the distances to the galaxies and the speed of their removal led to two different values of the constant Hubble-Lemetra. Some methods show a speed of about 244,000 kilometers per hour for megaparsec, while others are about 264,000 kilometers per hour for megaparsec. These contradictory data forced scientists to look for new approaches to understanding cosmic dynamics.
Bubble in the dough of the universe
According to the new theory, the Earth is located in the region of space with a relatively low density of matter, which resembles an air bubble in the test. This fact can explain why the galaxies in our environment are moving away faster than the standard model predicts. Confirmation of this hypothesis came from another research group, which discovered that galaxies of 600 million light years are moving four times faster than the standard model.
Revision of Einstein theory
The modified theory of gravity of Milgrom, used in the study, suggests that gravity behaves differently than Einstein predicted. If Milgrom’s assumptions are true, then the contradiction in the values of the constant Hubble-Lemetra disappears, suggesting the only constant to expand the universe.
A study conducted with the support of the British Scientific and Technical Council included the work of scientists from the University of Bonn, the University of St. Andrews (Scotland), and Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic). This new approach to understanding the Universe opens the door for further research in the field of cosmology and fundamental physics.