In a groundbreaking project led by professors Henka Marker and Charles Maya, the Amsterdam University Medical Center (Amsterdam UMC) is working on the development of “digital doubles” for patients suffering from cerebral infarction or brain hemorrhage. With the support of 19 partners from 12 countries, including Switzerland and Taiwan, and funded by a 10 million euro horizon Grant from the European Commission, the project aims to create personalized solutions for stroke victims using advanced computer simulations.
The main objective of the study is to utilize advanced computer simulations to create digital replicas of patients based on their medical data, including pressure, heart rhythm, and information from brain scans. This approach enables doctors to accurately evaluate and determine the most effective treatment methods for each patient. Professor Alfons Hukstra from the University of Amsterdam emphasized that these “digital doubles” are not mere animations, but rather real calculations. By combining computer data with physical and biological knowledge, scientists can predict the best treatment for each individual patient.
This project takes a different approach compared to traditional methods that rely on artificial intelligence for data processing. Instead, it combines data analysis with deep biological and medical knowledge of stroke treatment mechanisms, providing a more comprehensive and accurate approach in medical practice.
The researchers aim to develop the digital double technology over a period of four years and then spend an additional two years turning it into a practical computer simulation. Professor Henk Markering expressed hope that with the help of this project, doctors will be able to test treatments on each patient’s digital double to determine their efficacy.
Despite the potential of computer simulations, the use of such technology is still not commonplace in medical practice. This project aims to change that and provide doctors with a powerful tool to tailor treatments to individual patients.