The release of the platform Electron 28.0.0 has been published, providing a self-sufficient framework for the development of multifaceted user applications. This platform utilizes components from Chromium, V8, and Node.js. The significant change in the version number is due to the update of the code base, including Chromium 120, the Node.js platform 18.18.2, and the JavaScript engine V8 12.0.
The new release comes with several changes:
- Support for ECMAScript Modules (ESM) has been added, allowing developers to use JavaScript modules created according to the ECMAScript 6 specification. Previously, only CommonJS modules specific to Node.js were supported. ESM modules can now be used in Electron and processor-based applications utilizing the API UtilityProCess. The electron forge application assembly and publishing tool also supports ESM modules.
- On the Linux platform, the Electron_ozone_Platform_Hint variable has been implemented, simplifying the inclusion of Wayland protocol maintenance in Electron platforms. This eliminates the need to add the “–Zone-Platform-Hint” flag in the .desktop file.
- The Display object now includes properties such as DETECTED, MAXIMUMCURSORSISE, and NATIVEORIGIN.
- The default setting for WebContents.BackGroundThrottling has been changed to “FALSE,” disabling the limitation of frame frequency when outputting content using Browserwindow.
- Certain methods, such as Browserwindow.settrafficLightption and Browserwindow.gettTrafficlightposition, have been deprecated and should be replaced with Browserwindow.Setwindowbuttonposit and Browserwindow.getwindowbuttonPosition respectively. Similarly, IPCRENER.SENDTO should be replaced with MessageChannel, and App.runingunderrosettatratiSlation should be replaced with SCROLL-TOUCH-[Begin|end|edge].
The Electron platform enables the creation of graphic applications using browser technologies, with the logic determined by JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Developers have access to Node.js modules and an extended API for native dialogs, application integration, contextual menu
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