Q-CTRL’s Error Suppression Tech Boosts Quantum Algorithm Productivity

Expelity to the errors of modern quantum computers can make any useful calculations on them a big problem. Starting last week, IBM integrated technology for suppressing errors from Q-CTRL to their branded products of the IBM Quantum line, allowing users to reduce the frequency of computing errors in literally one click.

The technology of the Australian startup Q-CTRL is aimed at suppressing errors and provides for a change in the method of operation of the equipment to reduce the likelihood of their occurrence. This approach can improve the performance of quantum algorithms thousands of times.

Michael Birkuk, CEO of Q-CTRL, notes that the company’s software allows the user to get a maximum of equipment capabilities, suppressing any sources of external noise and interference.

Users of the IBM cloud quantum equipment gained access to this technology without the need for additional tuning. When activating the “performance management” function, several software modules are automatically launched that optimize the operation of algorithms on a particular equipment.

Q-CTRL software includes a quantum compiler that optimizes the number of logical valves necessary to launch the algorithm, as well as taking several additional steps to suppress errors. Also, artificial intelligence is used here, which regularly redirects the machine language for the implementation of optimal schemes in the operation of equipment.

Q-CTRL has already demonstrated the effectiveness of its technology, increasing the performance of popular quantum algorithms by a thousand times, which is confirmed by previously published scientific research.

Q-CTRL software works with any equipment for quantum calculations, whether it be “captured ions”, “superconducting cubes” or “cold atoms”. Despite some complexity of settings for a particular processor, the technology does not require additional computational costs for the user during operation.

“Thanks to this technology, now available” out of the box “in IBM Quantum Services, we can get more benefits from current equipment and expand the capabilities of our applications,” said Julian Van Velzen, head of the Consulting company Capgemini.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.