The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation (Minzifra) has partnered with specialized software associations to introduce new rules that will provide benefits to domestic developers in public procurement, according to the newspaper “Kommersant” [1]. The ministry has prepared amendments to two government decrees, No. 325 and No. 1236, which regulate the inclusion of software in the register of domestic software [1].
Under the new rules, the register of domestic software will be divided into two categories: software that meets the additional requirements and software that does not [2]. The first category will enjoy advantages in the state order market, including tax and non-tax benefits for copyright holders. The second category will have limited benefits, such as a zero VAT rate [2].
To fall into the first category, copyright holders will need to demonstrate that their product is compatible with Russian processors, functions properly with domestic browsers, and offer comprehensive technical support. Additionally, developers must have their own or leased infrastructure to assist users in working with the software. Furthermore, specific additional requirements will be established for different software categories, such as DBMS, operating systems, and office packages [3].
It is important to note that only companies that can provide their software from resources located in Russia will receive preferential treatment in public procurement [4]. This means that developers who rely on Open Source software for updates must either maintain their own code repository or use a repository owned by other Russian companies or associations [4].
Executive Director of the Association “Domestic Soft” confirmed that the organization is actively involved in the document’s preparation. He emphasized that the depth of processing Open Source components will be assessed for software aspiring to enter the register. If the depth of processing is sufficient, the software will receive additional preferences in state procurement compared to other software in the registry [5].
The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications has confirmed the ongoing development of this initiative. The new rules are expected to come into effect in the first quarter of 2024 [6].