Unciphered Set to Hack Ironkey S200 Key for $235M

Specialists from the startup unciphered, located in Seattle, have made a significant breakthrough in the field of computer security. They have announced their ability to hack the highly encrypted Ironkey S200 USB flash drives. These flash drives are designed with a fail-safe mechanism that permanently destroys their contents after 10 unsuccessful attempts to enter the correct password. However, the experts at Unciphered have developed a unique method that bypasses this restriction, allowing for unlimited password attempts.

This breakthrough has caught the attention of Stefan Thomas, a Swiss crypto entrepreneur based in San Francisco. Thomas is the owner of an Ironkey USB flash drive, released in 2011, which is believed to hold the keys to 7.002 bitcoins. With the current value of bitcoins, this amounts to approximately 235 million dollars. Thomas, unfortunately, has lost the password to access this valuable digital asset and has already attempted to recover it 8 times.

Although Unciphered has already demonstrated their ability to restore access to these secure devices, Thomas has chosen not to engage their services at this time. He has already made agreements with two other teams who are also attempting to recover his lost password. Thomas is now eagerly waiting for the results of their efforts.

Despite Thomas’s hesitation, the team at Unciphered remains confident in their abilities. They are hopeful that they will have an opportunity in the future to assist Thomas and other crypto enthusiasts who have found themselves locked out of their digital wallets. Their unique method for hacking into Ironkey S200 USB flash drives may prove to be a game-changer in the realm of computer security and data recovery.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.