AI Boosts Cybersecurity: Introducing Microsoft Security Copilot

Microsoft Corporation recently announced the early access to its flagship product in the field of cybersecurity – Security Copilot. This breakthrough development signifies the integration of artificial intelligence into the realm of cybersecurity. Security Copilot, built into the XDR platform of Microsoft 365 Defender, was first unveiled in March and is designed to streamline routine cybersecurity tasks, saving employees up to 40% of their time.

In addition to time-saving benefits, Microsoft also positions Security Copilot as a tool for advanced training of personnel. The AI-powered tool provides analytical conclusions that may be beyond the capabilities of individuals to deduce on their own. Less experienced analysts can greatly benefit from step-by-step instructions provided by Security Copilot for incident response, ultimately enabling faster and more efficient work.

Vasa Jaccal, Corporate Vice President of Microsoft on Security, stated, “Security Copilot can effectively improve the qualifications of the cybersecurity team, regardless of their experience, save time, and allow them to uncover what might have been missed before. This will free up specialists to focus on the most critical projects.”

One of the key features of Security Copilot is its ability to generate reports on security incidents. The AI analyzes incidents, identifies key events, and creates detailed reports that are easily understandable. This advancement saves analysts significant time without compromising the quality of the reports.

Security Copilot also enhances threat detection by allowing security commands to be formulated in natural language. The tool can then generate ready-made search queries, such as the latest exploits, based on the provided instructions. Its integration into Microsoft 365 Defender strengthens the XDR solution, making it more powerful and user-friendly.

The official public release date for Security Copilot has not yet been announced. However, qualified organizations still have the opportunity to participate in the early access program.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.