New Flipper Zero Firmware Exposes Bluetooth Issues in Smartphones

Recent updates to FLIPPER Zero have sparked intense discussions among users of the device on Android, iOS, and Windows. The developers of alternative firmware XTREME have offered Flipper Zero owners an unconventional way to interact with smartphones and computers in the surrounding area.

At first, the new firmware allowed iPhone and iPad owners to receive intrusive Bluetooth notifications, going as far as completely blocking Apple devices. This brought about amusement among Android users. However, the functionality of the program has recently expanded, now affecting Android devices and Windows computers as well.

To activate this function, users must install the designated version of the firmware, xtreme, on Flipper Zero. This allows the BLECE application, which initiates SPAM, to be launched. The program offers different attack options depending on the target platform. For interaction with Android devices, the “Android Device Pair” option is available, which bombards smartphones within the Flipper Zero’s range with pop-ups asking to create a Bluetooth pair.

It’s important to note that this interaction does not result in the execution of malicious code. Instead, it functions as a form of DOS attack, causing disruptions to normal device usage due to constant pop-up windows. The troubles persist until Flipper Zero moves out of the Bluetooth range or the user disables the connection.

The attack on Windows computers is less intrusive, generating only notifications in the system tray when activating the SWIFT PAIR function. The only effective way to protect against such disruptions is to disable Bluetooth.

This situation with the Flipper Zero updates serves as a reminder of how crucial it is to prioritize the security of our devices. It also highlights how easily technology can be misused as a tool for unauthorized actions in our modern world.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.