MySQL 8.2.0 Released

Oracle formed the new branch of the DBMS MySQL 8.2 and 8.0.35 and 5.7.44. Assembly Mysql Community Server 8.2.0 prepared for all main distributions of Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS, and Windows.

MySQL 8.2.0 is the second release formed as part of the new model of release formation, which provides for two types of branches of MySQL – “Innovation” and “LTS”. The Innovation branches, which include MySQL 8.1 and 8.2, are recommended for those who want to gain access to new functionality earlier. These branches are published every 3 months and are supported only until the following significant release is published (for example, after the appearance of the 8.2 branch, support for the branch 8.1). LTS vegetables are recommended for implementations that need predictability and prolonged preservation of unchanging behavior. LTS branches will be produced once every two years and maintained as usual for 5 years, in addition to which you can get another 3 years of expanded support. In the spring of 2024, the MySQL 8.4 LTS release is expected, after which a new Innovation-Vreation will be formed 9.0.

basic Changes in MySQL 8.2:

  • Added support for the Authentication mechanism based on the specification
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.