Ubuntu Sway Remix 23.10 Released

Release of Ubuntu Sway Remix 23.10 Provides Desktop Based on Sway Composite Manager

A new release of Ubuntu Sway Remix 23.10 is now available, offering a desktop environment based on the mosaic composite manager sway. This distribution is an unofficial version of Ubuntu 23.10, designed for both experienced GNU/Linux users and beginners who wish to explore the environment of mosaic window managers without the hassle of lengthy configurations. To download the prepared assemblies for AMD64 and ARM64 architectures (raspberry pi), visit the official website.

The distribution environment builds upon sway, a composite manager that utilizes the Wayland protocol and is fully compatible with the mosaic window manager i3. It also incorporates various utility tools from the nwg-shell project, including the desktop wallpaper manager azote, the full-screen applications menu nwg-drawer, the script output utility nwg-wrapper (used for displaying hotkey hints on the desktop), the GTK theme, cursor, and fonts manager nwg-look, and the auto-tiling script AUTOTILING for automatically arranging open application windows in the dynamic mosaic style.

The distribution includes a range of programs with graphical interfaces, such as Firefox, Qutebrowser, Audacious, Transmission, Libreoffice, Pluma, and Mate Calc.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.