The driver in Seattle stops at the red light of the traffic light, on average, waiting for about 20 seconds before green, according to vehicles and smartphones collected by the analytical company Inrix. Such delays at traffic lights irritate drivers and lead to emissions into the atmosphere of Seattle from each car at least 1000 metric tons of carbon dioxide every day. With the help of new artificial intelligence from Google as part of the Google Green Light project, the burden of both the environment and for drivers in the city begins to decline significantly.
Seattle is located among dozens of cities, including Jakarta, Rio de Janeiro and Hamburg, which began to optimize the work of some traffic lights based on the analysis of transport data obtained from the Google Card application. The aim of the work is to reduce harmful emissions from idle crossbars.
For the implementation of the project, Google experts analyze the data of card users using artificial intelligence algorithms, which has already led to optimizing downtime settings at 70 intersections in different cities. According to preliminary calculations of Google engineers, the recommendations of AI to optimize traffic lights reduced by 30% of the number of forced car stops and 10% – the volume of harmful emissions from about 30 million cars per month.
Some of the Google recommendations include adding additional two seconds at certain hours between the inclusion of one green light and the moment, when the next one on the way is green, which allows a larger number of vehicles to drive through both intersections without stopping. More complex sentences can include both the setting of the duration of a certain traffic light and a change in time between two traffic lights.
Preliminary results were published by google Together with other project updates, projects, today. which use the development of corporations in the field of AI to increase the environmental sustainability of cities. In particular, the company expands to India and Indonesia the function of choosing a route with the smallest fuel consumption in cards, and also introduces in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and northwestern Germany the sentences for dispatchers to reduce the formation of harmful aviation traces.