Scientists Reject Laser Rays with Air and Sound

Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery in the field of laser technology. They have developed a new method of deviation of laser rays using only air, according to a study published in the journal Nature Photonics. This new technique involves the use of sound waves to modulate the air surrounding the laser beam. By creating an optical lattice using acoustic density waves, the scientists are able to change the direction of the laser beam without any physical contact.

The innovative technique works by utilizing special speakers to create a pattern in the air with areas of different densities, forming a striped lattice. This pattern acts as an optical lattice, similar to how changes in air density in the Earth’s atmosphere bend light. The scientists have found that this method of diffraction allows for much more accurate control over laser light compared to bending in the Earth’s atmosphere.

In the initial laboratory tests, the scientists successfully redirected a strong infrared laser impulse with an efficiency of 50%. They believe that even higher indicators can be achieved in the future. This new technique has immense potential in the field of high-performance optics. In their experiments, the scientists used infrared laser impulses with a capacity of 20 gigavatts. Such powerful lasers are commonly used in material processing, the study of thermonuclear synthesis, and particle accelerators.

The project manager, Christophoph Heyl, highlighted the significance of this discovery. At high levels of laser power, the material properties of mirrors and lenses often limit their use. However, this new method allows for laser ray deviation without any contact, thus preserving their quality. Heyl also mentioned that this breakthrough opens up a completely new direction in modern optics, which has mostly relied on the interaction of light with solid substances.

The scientists believe that the principle of acoustic control of laser light in gases can be expanded to other optical elements, such as lenses and waves. This has far-reaching implications for various fields that rely on lasers for advanced applications.

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