Trac 1.6 Released

Trac 1.6 Release

After four years of development, Trac has presented a new stable release of the project management system, Trac 1.6. This version, which follows an experimental 1.5 branch, offers a Web interface for working with Subversion repository and GIT, a built-in Wiki, an error tracking system, and a section for planning functionality for future versions. Trac is written in Python and is distributed under the BSD license. Storage of data can be done using SQLite, PostgreSQL, and MySQL/Mariadb. (source)

Trac follows a minimalist approach to project management, allowing for automation of standard routine operations with minimal impact on established processes and rules among developers. Its built-in Wiki engine enables the use of Wiki-style formatting in problem descriptions, goals, and commits. It also supports the creation of links and connections between errors, tasks, code changes, files, and Wiki pages. Additionally, it offers an interface in the form of a time scale to track all project events and activities.

A variety of plugins are available for Trac, including modules for conducting news feeds, creating discussion sites, conducting polls, integrating with continuous integration systems, generating documentation with DOXYGEN, managing loads, sending notifications through Slack, and supporting Subversion and Mercurial. (source)

The Trac 1.6 release includes the following changes:

  • Support for Python 3.
  • Updates to the jinja2 3 pattern and the Markupsafe 2.1.0 library. The built-in JQuery library has also been updated to version 3.6.3.
  • The “Trac-Admin Initenv” command has been added, which allows for the creation of an empty environment without reports, groups of permissions, and examples.
  • Ability to redirect open tickets from the Ticket Admin to the Milestones page.
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