Hackers claim to have successfully hacked the database of “Siren-Travel”, a major Russian company. This database contains a wealth of information about airline passengers, including their insurance details and other personal data. The hacking message was made public on the Kiborg Hauccan Telegram channel. The group responsible for the attack, known as Muppets, appears to be a formidable force, although their true makeup and motives remain shrouded in mystery.
The hackers have reported that they managed to obtain approximately 3.5 billion records through their hacking efforts. These records include passenger phone numbers, as well as a staggering 664.6 million records containing personal data, flight numbers, routes, tariffs, and other pertinent information. The scope of these stolen data covers a vast time span from 2007 to 2023.
Siren-Travel is a leading company in Russia that specializes in air booking and sales, along with providing services related to cultural and entertainment events. Additionally, the company is involved in the registration of insurance policies. Siren-Travel proudly operates the first domestic accredited aviation distribution system (ARS) called “Sirena Travel”. This system adheres to the recommendations of the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Its purpose is to facilitate ticket bookings and sales for agencies, as well as offering airlines tools to manage and control their available resources and flight availability.