DOSYAGO, a technology company, has recently announced that they are opening the source texts of the platform Browserbox Pro under the GPLv3 license. It is a remote insulation system (RBI) which provides an extra layer of protection to client systems while navigating the web. It is implemented by the removal of the functions of processing web pages in an isolated environment, which can be performed on another host or in a cloudy environment. The contents are then transmitted to the client system. It is written in JavaScript using the Node.js platform.
Browserbox Pro works as a proxy for viewing sites, which takes on the function of drawing web pages. The Chrome browser is used for drawing, launched in a separate isolated environment in a mode without output to the screen. The user is provided with a web interface that reproduces the browser interface. JavaScript code, HTML, and CSS open through this Web interface of sites are processed in an isolated environment, and the client is only broadcasted by the content that is already drawn.
This approach protects the client system in the event of malicious components on the site or the operation of incorporating vulnerabilities in the browser. Attempts at attacks do not go beyond the isolated environment and cannot affect the client since its browser is not performing any processing.
Moreover, the platform’s code allows for some advanced capabilities, such as support for joint access to one browser session of several users, public streaming for working with sites and web applications, embedding other sites through “
To access the client system to an external isolated environment, Pass-through SSH is applied without creating a listening socket on the network port. As a demonstration, DOSYAGO has released a video tutorial on Youtube.
The introduction of Browserbox Pro will significantly impact the web industry, considering the level of protection it provides to client systems while browsing the web. It will surely make the browsing experience a lot safer for the users.