CentOS Stream to be Sole Public Source of RHEL Code

Red Hat has recently announced a change in approach to the publication of the initial texts for the distribution of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Red Hat will no longer publish packages code in the GIT-re-repository git.centos.org, leaving the Centers Stream repository as the only publicly affordable source of initial texts for RHEL packages. However, customers and partners will still be able to access the packet code corresponding to RHEL releases through Red Hat’s client portal, requiring an account to do so.

This new model for the distribution of initial texts will have little effect on the Centos and Centos Stream projects. However, third-party distributions such as Almalinux, Rocky Linux, Oracle Linux, and Eurolinux will need to significantly reconsider their development processes or find alternative ways to access the code of packets from RHEL releases.

The Centers distribution was transformed into Centos Stream, an up-to-date and continuously developing base in the development of RHEL. Centos Stream’s role is to develop package code for not yet released releases of RHEL with little binary compatibility with RHEL. The cessation of publication of packages in Git.Centos.org is a consequence of the transformation of the Centers distribution to Centos Stream.

Red Hat highly recommends Centos Stream moving forward, leading to the recognition of maintaining individual repositories as ineffective. With this new approach, Red Hat aims to establish Centos Stream as the recommended and priority project for the future, highlighting the fact that it will lead to noticeable improvements.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.