The action, organized on Saturday in parallel with the agricultural fair, refers to the book “Silents silent”, of the North American biologist Rachel Carson, first whistleblower in 1962 on the danger of synthetic pesticides .
mo12345lemonde with AFP
A hundred people formed a funeral procession on Saturday March 4, in Paris to denounce, at the call of scientists, the “catastrophic consequences of the massive recourse to pesticides and promote another agricultural model”, noted a photographer of The France-Presse agency.
Scientific associations in rebellion and rebellion extinction organized this procession in the garden of plants, in front of the national museum of natural history, under the banner “Silent spring: pesticides kill”.
The action, organized in parallel with the Agricultural Show, refers to the Silent Spring Book, of the North American Biologist Rachel Carson, the first warning launcher in 1962 on the dangerousness of synthetic pesticides, according to the Communiqué Associations. NGOs Pollinis, future generations, future environmental health and alert of doctors on pesticides participated in the event.
“dazzling fall”
Militants spoke, while others lengthened on the ground, to the rhythm of Gong. Artists, “dressed in red to symbolize the blood of extinct species, wandered among the participants dressed in black and the scientists in white blouse”, described the press release.
“The scientific studies show a Fulgurating fall in the abundance of insects, including some pollinators, which has reached 60 to 80 % in Europe for thirty years, as well as a massive decline of 30 % of populations of agricultural housing birds in thirty years in France ” , said Benoît Fontaine, ornithologist member of scientists in rebellion, quoted in the press release.
After recent restrictions on the use of pesticides that concern the peasants, Emmanuel Macron announced on Saturday at the agricultural fair the launch of a new plan aimed in particular to coordinate the action of France with that of the ‘European Union.
France intends to reduce the use of synthetic pesticides by 50 % by 2025. Many farmers consider that the range of pesticides (insecticides, fungicides or herbicides) has been excessively reduced in recent years , leaving them in front of “dead ends”.
A decision of European justice has forced France to abandon the derogations granted to beet producers, on neonicotinoids, toxic for bees.