The actress caesarized on February 24 is the fifth personality to pass on the grill of magazine journalists.
by Catherine Pacary
“At the Papotin, we say everything and everything can happen.” This is the motto of the television interview magazine created with the support of filmmakers Eric Toledano and Olivier Nakache, from the newspaper Le Papotin. And for good reason: founded in 1990, this publication, the number 40 of which comes out in mid-March, has the particularity of having a drafting of around forty non-professional journalists with autism spectrum disorders.
Since the launch of “Papotin Meetings”, on September 3, 2022, Virginie Efira is the fifth personality invited by the editor, Julien Bancilhon, to be taken in the middle of the editorial staff, sitting in a semicircle to facilitate exchanges. Before her, the actor and director Gilles Lellouche inaugurated the concept with smile and relaxation. After a slight surprise, he thus cashed the “you are old” and “you are a very good actor, but I prefer Jean Dujardin” – all “meetings” are available on , alas after long advertisements.
“Anything can happen” … Actress Camille Cottin was the second to experiment, barely arrived, by Arnaud: “How old are you? Would you like me to tickle you under your feet? “Under the flood of questions -” What is an apricot? What is waste her life? ” – Camille Cottin is pushed in her emotional entrenchments, before a beautiful session Music of Kévin, in singing and piano.
a particular emotion
In November 2022, it is Julien Doré’s turn to stick there. And even if the singer refutes an “you are old” that a speaker addresses him, a particular emotion will pass, over the disjointed exchanges: “What is your original sin?”; “Do you like the first times?” (About school, normality and his joy of being dad).
After the truce of confectioners too, “everything happens”, in the person of Emmanuel Macron, brand guest who will not dodge the curiosity of the papotin, including that he married his teacher, more Elderly than him: “Love, you do not choose, replies the president. (…) When you love, everything is possible.” The feeling passes between the president and the editorial staff. And the audience flies, at 5.1 million viewers, 2 million more than the average until then.
Virginie Efira had not yet received the César for best actress to see Paris again, when the episode dedicated to her was recorded. However, she arrived with the same malicious look as on February 24 on the stage of the Olympia, to receive her prize.
“How old are you? Is your birthday?” Besides Arnaud, still at the cleat, we will salute here the first participation of Babouillec, who is expressed by positioning paper letters on a desk. This rudimentary writing contrasts with the subject addressed: “Can social death be a survival solution?” Virginie Efira seems destabilized. She finds her natural district when she mentioned her ephemeral love stories, nudity in a film, or notoriety. “I am not extremely known …”, she said. But that was before she received the César. And that she goes to the Papotin.