At trial of “revenue” of Syria, simple heart suckled by jihadist “hatred”

Amandine Le Coz, a 32 -year -old convert, was sentenced to ten years in prison on Friday for joining the ranks of the Islamic State group. Very immature, this radicalized young woman was herself the victim of the violence of her husband and the war in Syria.

by Soren Seelow

Amandine Le Coz did not always find the words, but she cried a lot during the two days that her trial lasted. This 32 -year -old French -man converted to “strong psychoaffective immaturity” and at “low intellectual level”, according to his psychiatric expertise, was sentenced on Friday, March 3, to ten years’ imprisonment for having joined the ranks of the Islamic State organization (IS) between 2014 and 2018. She had then spent a year and a half with her young son in the Kurdish retention camps before being expelled to France.

For two days, the Assize Court specially composed of Paris explored the springs of its radicalization, its evolution since its return, but also the waking nightmare that was its life in the territory of “Caliphate”.

Guilty of terrorist criminal association, Amandine Le Coz was herself the victim of her choices, of the brutality of her jihadist husband who beat her “to the blood”, from the bombing of her building in Raqqa in which she was injured, and the ordeal of the Kurdish camps, haunted by violence, famine and death.


Amandine Le Coz repeated it throughout her trial: she is “stupid”. From the glass box, she also says her “shame” that her story finds herself in the newspapers. Its fragility dates back to far, to the great difficulties it encountered from primary school, then to its schooling in a specialized class “SEGPA” (general and adapted professional education section) which it was “ashamed”, already, being a child. Growing up, she tried, she was “Gothic”, then she celebrated, drunk a lot, drugged too. And one day, at the age of 23, she decided to convert and wear the veil.

“I have no self-confidence at all, I’m afraid of looks. I felt stupid, she explains. When I knew Islam, I saw an equal community, C ‘is what I liked. I found a belonging. There is no need to know a text by heart to convert, no need to be intelligent to be Muslim. In catechism, I didn’t understand anything, and In the Jewish religion, we take seven years to convert … “

The young woman had never read the Koran when she converted into a mosque. “She works on the imaginary collage, explains the psychologist who assembled her. She went from the” bimbo look “to the” veiled woman look “, I say so because it has no more consistency than that. ‘Acts a dressing. “A” dressing “that is not going to please his parents at all.

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/Media reports cited above.