From March 1, people aged 18 to 65 will have to pay 30 % of the cost of a test if he is carried out by a doctor or a pharmacist, this expense being however in the majority of cases taken in Load by complementary health.
by Delphine Roucaute
From decrees to decrees, the COVVI-19 gradually leaves the daily life of the French. Almost a month after the announcement of the abandonment of several emblematic devices of the “Test-Tracer-isoler”, a Order published Tuesday, February 28 in the Official Journal provides for a new framework for the management of COVVI-19 screening tests. From the 1 er March, they will no longer be reimbursed 100 % by health insurance.
Only the “most fragile” will continue to benefit from the full management and this even in the absence of a medical prescription: people 65 and over, those under 18, patients in long -term affection ( ALD) and pregnant women, which can benefit from an exemption from medical costs for maternity insurance ). In addition, professionals from the medical and medico-social sectors, as well as people subject to collective screening organized by a regional health agency or a prefecture, are logically supported at 100 %.
For the rest of the population aged 18 to 65, it is the rules of ordinary law that will now apply, with reintroduction, for all antigenic or PCR tests, a moderator ticket , that is -Ades the part of the health expenses which remain the responsibility of the patient once the health insurance has reimbursed his share. Concretely, it is expected that the insured pay 30 % of the cost of the test if he is carried out by a doctor or a pharmacist and 40 % if he is by a nurse or a masseur-physiotherapist. But, “for the vast majority of insured people who have additional coverage, the rest payable will be zero. It is the same for beneficiaries of complementary solidarity health”, specifies the Directorate of Health in a press release sent Tuesday.
additional brake on screening
Furthermore, the distinction between vaccinated and non-vaccinated, which hitherto had a certain number of conditions to access tests free of charge, as a medical prescription, is no longer mentioned in the texts.
If concretely the vast majority of the French population will be able to continue to be tested without additional cost associated, it is undoubtedly an additional brake on the COVVI-19 screening. Since the beginning of the year, the Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics already indicates that the number of tests has been at its lowest level since the beginning of August 2020, with 441,600 tests carried out between February 13 and 19 (including 31 % of antigenic tests) .
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