The Federal Customs Service (FCS) in its Telegram channel reported the DDOS-Atak, which occurred on the morning of February 28. According to the FCS, the problem was solved, and the work of the FCS resources was not affected. At the same time, attacks were reflected at the work of informers who transfer information to the customs authorities.
The department also noted that the system of electronic declaration of Alta-Soft goods on February 28 was subjected to “unprecedented cyber attack”, which violated the processes of customs clearance of goods. The Alta-Soft system is one of the most used for submitting data to the customs service.
On the day of February 28, Alfa-Soft sent customers a notification of the “powerful DDOS-Atak”, which began at 8:10 am and lasted several hours. Kiberataka led to failures in the electronic declaration system. On the same day at 13:00, the company’s specialists gradually restored the exchange of data with the customs authorities.