Release of multimedia package FFMPEG 6.0

After six months of development available multimedia-package FFMPEG 6.0 , including a set of applications and a collection of libraries for operations on various multimedia format (recording, transformation and decoding of sound and video format). The package spreads under LGPL and GPL licenses, the development of FFMPEG is adjacent to the project mplayer .


from changes , added in ffmpeg 6.0, you can distinguish:

  • FFMPEG assembly in multi -flow mode is transferred to the category of required. Each packer of media conflicts (Muxer) is now launched in a separate stream.
  • VAAPI and QSV (Quick Sync Video) for coding and decoding VP9 and HEVC with color subdiscrettization 4: 2: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4, 10- and 12-bit coding depth.
  • Added support for the library onevpl (OneApi verocessing libary ) for the use of hardware acceleration technology intel qsv (Quick Sync Video).
  • Added AV1 encoder with hardware acceleration based on QSV.
  • FFMPEG utility added options :
    • “-shortest_buf_duration” for setting the maximum duration of the buffering personnel (the more, the higher the accuracy in “-shortest”, but higher memory consumption and delay).
    • ).

  • –stats_enc_pre [_fmt], “-stats_enc_post [_fmt]” and “-stats_mux_pre [_fmt]” to record at different stages of paramilitary information about the selected flows to the specified file.
  • –FIX_SUB_DUURATION_HEARTBEAT “to determine the synchronizing (HeartBeat) video stream used to separate subtitles.
  • syntax Filtergraph expanded by the possibility of transmitting options from the specified file. The name of the file is set through the indication of the value with the prefix ‘/’, for example, “FFMPEG -VF DRAWTEXT =/TEXT =/TMP/SOME_TEXT” will lead to the uploading of the TEXT parameter from the file/tMP/some_text.
  • /Media reports cited above.