Europe at heart of battle between telecom operators and digital groups

worried about the future of European telecoms, the Commission hopes to reconcile two camps that have been tearing themselves off for years on the financing of networks.

by Olivier Pinaud (Barcelona, ​​Special Envoy )

Four people are sitting on a small plastic plane. The device does not fly. It is placed in the middle of the South Korean operator stand SK Telecom. And yet, with their virtual reality glasses connected in 5G, the four occupants are like in the clouds. This year again, at the Mobile World Congress, the World Mobile Salon, which is held until March 2 in Barcelona, ​​operators, equipment manufacturers and digital groups compete with demonstrations to make the telecoms of the future touch. But will they ever exist?

Listen to operators, times are serious. The explosion of data traffic generated by digital service groups, Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and others, those called GAFA, forces them to invest always more in their networks, while, in The same time, they say, regulation and competition compress their profits. “The opposite winds for our industry in Europe may never have been so strong (…) because massive investments in networks – nearly 600 billion euros in Europe in the last decade! Difficult to monetize, “said Christel Heydemann, the director general of Orange, at the opening of the Barcelona show. Hence the will of the operators to make GAFA pay more strongly to the use of their networks, which the digital service groups do not want to hear about.

/Media reports cited above.