Only a third of the population is favorable to the text of the government, according to various opinion surveys. A weak low water level for this kind of reform. These French people have in common the concern vis-à-vis the balance of the regime.
by Thibaud Métais
While opponents of the pension reform are heard loudly, the voice of those who support it is as suffocated. Behind the din of massive and historical demonstrations or the tumult of the debates of the National Assembly, we would almost forget that French people are favorable to the government’s project.
They are a minority, of course, and are little talked about, especially in the face of regular rallies of one million to two million protesters on the street. But, according to the various opinion surveys, they would be around a third of the population to support the reform which must notably repel from 62 to 64 years the legal age of departure. A generally stable proportion since early January. “It is a very weak support in absolute terms, says Brice Teinturier, Deputy Managing Director of Ipsos. Especially for such an emblematic reform.”
All the lower since it is not a particularly marked support. “What is particularly striking me is having a soft adhesion, underlines Frédéric Dabi, director general opinion of Ifop. If we only take into account people saying that they are completely favorable, we do not exceed Never 10 % of those questioned. “
For pollsters, this light and relative support is rather new. It is in any case less strong than usually for reforms of this magnitude and, above all, less important than for the projects carried out by Emmanuel Macron during the first five -year term.
The President of the Republic can count on the partisan jurisdiction, which has a certain influence, with “approximately two thirds of reborn sympathizers who support the reform”. But electoral and ideological loyalty to the head of state is not necessarily a fundamental parameter of membership.
an essential “essential” reform
For Thomas Cadéac, who did not vote for Emmanuel Macron in the first round of the presidential election, on April 10, 2022, it is the “essential” character of the reform that leads him to support her. The aging of the population or the life expectancy that is progressing are all elements that make the decline in the legal age of initially inevitable, according to him. “Especially since the reform arrives late”, specifies this former regional director in wealth management, today registered in an MBA, which was already favorable to the previous reform of 2010, during the five -year term of Nicolas Sarkozy. According to Brice Teinturier, for his previous reforms, “Emmanuel Macron could rely on a much stronger base in his sympathizers, between 70 % and 80 %”.
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