The leader of the project ubports , which took the development of the Ubuntu Touch mobile platform and the desktop Unity 8 , after the company Kanonical, reported about integration In the branches of “Unstable” and “testing” the distribution of Debian Gnu/Linux packages with the environment lomiri (former Unity 8) and the MIR 2. It is noted that the Ubports leader constantly uses Lomiri in Debian and to finally stabilize the work of Lomiri to realize several minor changes. In the process of porting Lomiri for Debian, outdated dependencies were removed or renamed, adaptation for a new systemic environment (for example, work with Systemd) was carried out, a transition to a new branch of the display server MIR 2.12.
Lomiri uses the QT5 library and the MIR 2 display server, which acts as a composite server based on Wayland. In combination with the Ubuntu Touch mobile environment, Lomiri desktop is in demand for implementing the Convergence mode, which allows to form an adaptive environment for mobile devices, which when connected to the monitor provides a full -fledged desktop and turns a smartphone or tablet into a portable workstation.