At the origin of a serious accident under the influence of cocaine, which made three seriously injured, the actor had been under house arrest, under electronic bracelet, in the addictology service of a hospital. This decision had since been challenged by the general prosecutor’s office.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
Since the collision on February 10 which made three seriously injured in Seine-et-Marne, including a pregnant woman who lost her fetus, Pierre Palmade, 54, is indicted for homicide and involuntary injuries by driver who uses drugs in legal recidivism. The Paris Court of Appeal decided, Monday, February 27, that the actor will be placed in pre -trial detention with an enforceable warrant, as requested by the prosecution.
On February 17 in Melun, the liberty and detention judge had assigned him under house arrest, under electronic bracelet, in the addictology department of a hospital. This decision was challenged on Friday before the Paris Court of Appeal Chamber by the Public Prosecutor’s Office.
The state of health of the actor is the subject of speculation. Pierre Palmade was the victim of a stroke Saturday at the end of the day, confirmed his entourage, after press information. Several media had reported that the actor, hospitalized in Villejuif (Val-de-Marne), had undergone a stroke but that his life was not in danger. He was transferred to the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital, confirmed to the France-Presse agency a source close to the file. 2>
positive cocaine test
On February 10, on a departmental road in Seine-et-Marne, the humorist was driving a car that struck a vehicle opposite. In addition to the actor, the accident made three seriously injured: a 38-year-old man, his 6-year-old son and his 27-year-old sister-in-law, who lost after the collision the six-month fetus she was waiting for. Pierre Palmade, positive for cocaine, “recognized” according to the prosecution to have consumed it, as well as synthetic drugs, before taking the wheel. The gendarmerie was entrusted with investigations on suspicions of breach of drug law.
According to the latest information on their state of health communicated by the prosecution, the driver and his son are still hospitalized in resuscitation in serious condition.
To this case, which has sparked a media storm, are now added to the humorist investigations on the detention of child pornography images, launched after a report made to the police. No accusation is at this stage retained against him in this new file. His Parisian home and his house in Seine-et-Marne were searched, computer equipment was seized. A man was indicted on Saturday for broadcasting and detention of child pornographic images and placed under judicial supervision within the framework of this investigation.
Since the accident and the numerous ultra -medicated revelations on the life of Pierre Palmade, no person in his nearby circle was expressed, with the exception of one of his sisters who, in a statement, said the February 14 that he was “ashamed” and “would assume all the consequences of his actions, with the terrible conscience that he will never be able to repair the evil he did”.