If the demonstrations have become rare in the majority of cities, the uprising started in September 2022 made it possible to loosen the grip of the regime on society. Women are no longer afraid to show themselves without a sail. The rapid deterioration of the economy and inflation increase the difficulties of daily life.
by ghazal golshiri
The video shot in early February in Tehran has traveled social networks. We see a woman getting on the stage of an amphitheater. Her scarf around her neck, she takes the microphone. “I do not legitimate a general meeting in which I cannot be a candidate because I am without scarf,” shouts this Iranian with long hair gathered in a ponytail. She then throws her scarf on the ground before leaving the amphitheater, accompanied by the applause of the audience. The revolted Iranian is called Zeinab Kazempour, an engineer prevented from applying for the election of the organization of construction engineers of the city of Tehran because it refuses to submit to the law of the Islamic Republic of Iran forcing women to cover themselves the whole body, except the hands and the face.
His daring gesture in the context of an official event is emblematic of a new deal in Iranian society, a few months after the death of Mahsa (Jina) Amini during her police custody for a “badly adjusted” veil, In September 2022. This tragedy plunged Iran into an unprecedented uprising, having made 527 victims on the side of civilians according to human rights organizations.
Today, even if the demonstrations have become rare, more and more women decide, as a sign of protest and taking risks, not to wear the scarf. The customs police, responsible for arresting the offenders, disappeared from the Iranian streets, but the owners of the vehicles in which a badly veiled woman finds it continue to receive warning SMS from the authorities. “In the event of a recurrence, you will be the subject of legal proceedings”, can be read in these messages. Some zealous citizens or working for the regime have this liberticide law in the streets apply, sometimes with violence, without being worried later. 2> “woman, life, freedom”
Azadeh (a pseudonym intended to protect it from reprisals, as for all the Iranians mentioned in this article) is one of those rebellious Iranian women who have decided to do battle with the Hijab law. This 34 -year -old Teheranaise started by having a scarf around her neck or in her bag when she went out on the street. Unimaginable thing before September 2022. “Today, I leave my scarf at home,” explains this cook chef, attached by Telegram, the encrypted messaging, blocked in Iran, but accessible by the firing software.
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