The Advocate General considered that the star, who must also appear before the Assises du Var for a similar case, is not a “sexual predator”, and did not match socio -monitoring -judicial.
by Christophe Ayad
At the end of an indictment which he wanted to imitate “nuance” and “complexity”, the lawyer general Jean-Chistophe Muller required, Thursday, February 23, seven years in prison and five years of prohibition French territory against the Moroccan pop star Saad Lamjarred. “Mr. Lamjarred was guilty of rape,” he concluded after a long demonstration.
However, he did not want to see in the singer a “sexual predator”, hence the relatively light quantum of the sentence he required. He did not accompany him with socio-judicial follow-up either insofar as Saad Lamjarred, who married in September 2022, already started work on himself and his addictions. Finally, the ban on residing on French territory is linked to the artist’s activity, ultra-popular in Morocco and in the Arab world: a way of giving him the prospect of exercising his profession again after his Pain.
If Saad Lamjarred welcomed the requisitions impassively, the complainant Laura P. seemed to be upset and disappointed. The Advocate General, during his indictment, recalled for him that the public prosecutor was the only one to bring the accusation, when she tended to turn into the accuser since the start of the trial, Monday, February 20, Before the Paris Assize Court. He also committed it not to make his victim state a “status”.
To establish his indictment, Mr. Muller began by listing the undeniable facts. First of all the difference in age and maturity between a young woman of 20 who discovers the world of night and a 30 -year -old star, accustomed to seduction, adored in all Arab people, whose songs make hundreds millions of views on YouTube and which earns almost half a million euros per year. Then, the alcohol level and the proven take of cocaine by Saad Lamjarred, which was not the case with Laura p.
Finally, the medical observations which show bruises in the ear, lip, neck with the neck on the shoulder and elbow in Laura P. These injuries are not consistent with the version of A “reflex blow” given to Laura P. by Mr. Lamjarred in reaction to deep scratches which we do not find the trace on his body.
Above all, three petechies (minor lesions) on the vestibular side of the hymen of Laura P. suggest “a recent sexual intercourse without being specific”, while the last consented report of the young woman dates back to a month. Saad Lamjarred, he assured that she had never penetrated Laura P. neither with her sex or with her finger.
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