“The whole family is in shock and in full state of amazement. They have no perspective on the situation and are still struggling to achieve,” reacted to the France-Presse Me Antoine Ory agency, lawyer for The family of the victim and the three children of the couple.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
The man who admitted to having killed his wife found dismembered in the Parc des Buttes-Chaumont, in Paris, was indicted and imprisoned for furniture, Saturday February 25. “Despite the facts post mortem, today it is no longer the qualification of assassination that is retained but that of murder on spouse,” said his lawyer, Me Dominique Beyreuther-Minkov, stating that his client Contested to have wanted to kill his wife, Assia, aged 46. Youcef M. is placed in pre -trial detention.
The prosecution had opened a judicial information on February 17 for assassination, suffering from the integrity of a corpse and concealment of corpse. The investigating judge in charge of this file has reclaimed the facts, considering, in the light of his declarations, that Youcef M., born in 1972, had not premeditated his gesture. “My client, who is collapsed, explained himself humanly as much as he could” during his police custody, said Me Beyreuther-Minkov, presenting the couple as “Uni, married for 26 years with three children” .
Youcef M. recognized before investigators from the criminal brigade, seized with the investigation, having killed his wife. “The whole family is in shock and in the amazing state. They have no perspective on the situation and still struggle to achieve,” reacted to the France-Presse Me Antoine ORY agency, lawyer for the family of the victim and the couple’s three children. 2> 122 women killed by their spouse or ex-spouse in 2021
According to Me Beyreuther-Minkov, Youcef M. had reported on February 3 to the police the disappearance of his wife of the family apartment located in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis). On social networks, he had mentioned his absence on January 31. On February 6, it was heard by the delinquency repression brigade against the person (BRDP) which then launched an investigation.
A plastic bag containing the basin and the thighs of this woman, identified later thanks to the analysis of fingerprints, had been discovered under a pile of green waste at Buttes-Chaumont, by municipal agents of the parks and Gardens on February 13. The next day, other remains, whose head, had been found during an in -depth excavation of the park. Several media had revealed a few days after the husband’s statements, deemed incoherent, had aroused suspicion of the police.
The number of feminicides increased by 20 % in France in 2021 compared to the previous year, with 122 women killed by their spouse or ex-spouse, against 102 in 2020, according to figures from the Ministry of the Interior .