More unexpectedly, the HAS writes for the first time, in a opinion published on Friday, that the primovaccination is no longer recommended for the general population.
by Delphine Roucaute
This is one more step towards the annualization of the dose of vaccination recall against the COVVI-19. Entry by the Ministry of Health wishing to anticipate the next vaccination campaign, the High Authority for Health (has) advocated, in a review published Friday, February 24 , to offer an additional dose, in the fall, to the most at risk of serious form of the disease.
In a concern for simplification and “for reasons of mobilization and logistics”, the independent authority, whose opinion is generally followed by the government, recommends coupling this vaccination campaign to that of flu, as This was the case in the fall of 2022.
The individuals concerned by this recall remain the same as in the previous campaign: all the people aged 65 and over, those suffering from comorbidities (hypertension, heart, vascular, hepatic, renal, pulmonary problems, diabetes, obesity , cancers, transplanted people, damage to Down’s syndrome, psychiatric disorders or dementia), pregnant women, immunocompromised people. And finally, individuals living in those around them or in regular contacts with immunocompromised or vulnerable people, which includes health professionals and those who exercise in medico-social structures.
from 6 months
The list of people suffering from comorbidities is extended to young children, from 6 months, In accordance with the opinion of December 19, 2022 which recommended this vaccination to children from 6 months to 4 years at risk of forms serious. Injections made possible with the messenger RNA vaccine produced by Pfizer, which obtained an indication extension on November 25 for this age group for which there was so far no available vaccine.
Regarding the specific public of the 80th and over, the HAS specifies that it could benefit from an additional dose from the spring in case their last injection or infection dates from more than six months ago. Several studies published recently show that the protection provided by a dose of recall is very strong in the first two months but decreases quickly over time, in particular in this age category.
The has once again repels the idea of a reminder of the general population, while, in the fall, the last recall of the majority of under 65s will go back to more than two years. “Currently only circulate the sub-variants of the Omicron family, with limited health consequences; moreover, cellular immunity is anchored for a long time, justifies Elisabeth Bouvet, president of the Technical Commission for HAS Vaccinations. So as long as ‘There is a low noise circulation of a little virulent virus, the vaccination strategy does not have to target the general population. “
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