On March 23, the large school will inaugurate a new chair dedicated to the plastic arts. Then, in a few months, another devoted to the performing arts.
by Roxana Azimi
Thursday, February 23, an unusual speaker will take her first steps in the famous amphi Emile-Boutmy, in Sciences Po Paris. In this temple of rue Saint-Guillaume, where, in the past, the students have religiously listened to the charismatic ex-secretary general of the UN Kofi Annan or the tirades on the liberal economy of the cac 40 bosses, the filmmaker Claire Denis will come and tell his singular journey, his working methods as well as his taste for margins. The director of the stars at noon, Grand Prix of the Cannes Film Festival in 2022, directs the brand new cinema chair launched by this elite factory, on the model of the Center for writing and rhetoric created in 2019.
Another pulpit, devoted to the plastic arts and coordinated by the exhibition curator Jean de Loisy, will be launched, Thursday, March 23, by a master class of Tino Sehgal, this former adulated dancer of contemporary art which, in Reinventing the concept of exhibition, changed our relationship to the other. Will follow one another at the Kapwani Kiwanga platform, an anthropologist by training who has become an artist, Tomas Saraceno and his Arachnean imagination, and finally the Belgian creative poetics Edith Dekyndt. In a few months, a last pulpit, devoted to the performing arts and led by the choreographer Benjamin Millepied, will complete the device.
So many bricks on which the new Maison des Arts and the creation of the Paris Institute of Political Studies are based. It is not strictly speaking a physical place, even if it is a question of creating an exhibition space in the gleaming campus of the Saint-Thomas-d’Aquin square, a stone’s throw from the Assembly national. Rather of a philosophy, than Laurence Bertrand Dorléac, first art historian to take the lead of the National Foundation of Political Science, a function usually pre -empted by political scientists, defines in these terms: “It is also important to learn To look at the images that to read texts. “Named in 2021 at the head of Sciences Po to turn the open page with the accusations of incest against the former president Olivier Duhamel, Mathias Vicherat is fundamentally convinced. “Art is the new border,” says the ex-secretary general of Danone, rap and convinced that “the exchanges between artistic practices and human sciences are fruitful”.
If large American universities have long had advanced cultural equipment – Harvard has more than twelve museums – their tricolor counterparts have only been late in the artistic sensitivity of students. “The major problem remains the ignorance of what art is, but also of the artist: who is he? How does he work? Because it is also a profession”, notes Jeanne Turpault, who has Created a diploma teaching “art and optics” at Paris-Saclay University.
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