Parrot 5.2 distribution production with selection of security verification programs

Available Distribution release Parrot 5.2 , based on the DEBIAN 11 package base and including a selection of tools to check the security of systems, conduct forensic analysis and reverse engineering. To download offered several ISO images with the MATE environment designed for everyday use, safety testing, installation on Raspberry Pi 4 and creation of specialized installations, For example, for use in cloud environment.

Parrot distribution is positioned as a portable laboratory with an environment for security experts and forensics, the main attention is paid to the means to check the cloud systems and devices of the Internet. The composition also includes cryptographic tools and programs for secure exit to the network, including TOR, I2P, Annsurf, GPG, TCCF, ZULUCRYPT, VERACRYPT, TREECRYPT and LUKS.

In the new issue:

  • Linux nucleus is updated to version 6.0 (it was 5.18).
  • The installer built on the basis of the Calamares framework is updated. Some problems with installation have been resolved.
  • Elustful errors in the packages Firefox, Chromium, Sudo, Dbus, Nginx, Libssl, Openjdk and Xorg.
  • were eliminated

  • In the instrumentation of anonymity anonsurf, redirecting all the traffic via Tor without a separate tuning of proxy, the support of the Tor bridge nodes is improved.
  • Significantly updated drivers for wireless cards based on chips
    Broadcom and Realtek, as well as drivers for Virtualbox and GPU NVIDIA.
  • DEBIAN Backports has been postponed a fresh version of the Pipewire multimedia framework.
  • Improved assemblies for Raspberry Pi boards, which conducted work to increase performance and solved problems with sound drivers.
/Media reports cited above.