During eighteen Successivrs seasons, between 1977 and 1994, he was one of the twelve best world specialists in the 110 meter hedges.
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The American Greg Foster, former triple world champion and Olympic vice-champion of 110 meters, died Sunday February 20 at the age of 64, announced on Monday the sports department ‘University of California (UCLA) .
The legend of American hedges had been fighting for several years against amyloidosis, a rare disease in which protein accumulation causes damage to organs. This disease led him to undergo a cardiac transplantation in 2020.
After a brilliant university career at the UCLA, during which he won the national title over 110 m hurdles in 1978 and 1980, the native of Chicago won ten American national titles on hedges in the dining room and in the middle of Air from 1981 to 1991. Foster won gold at 110 m hurdles at the first three worlds in athletics in 1983, 1987 and 1991, in addition to a silver medal at the Los Angeles Olympic Games in 1984 in his Specialty.
“It is so sad that Greg left us so young, reacted Jon Ridgeon, the director general of World Athletics in a press release . Greg was as you want the heroes of athletics to behave: a fierce competitor on the track but also A warm and generous man outside. “
For eighteen successive seasons, between 1977 and 1994, Greg Foster was one of the twelve best specialists in the 110m hedges. In five years, he dominated this ranking and in 1988 he even managed to be one of the best in the world with a broken arm. He had retired in sports in 996.