Jean-Pierre DUTHION, the intermediary who provided images to broadcast in Rachid M’BARKI, the presenter of the BFM-TV night newspaper, also convinced a deputy to promote a project of Cryptoactive which is the subject of multiple complaints.
by Florian Reynaud and Damien Leloup
The Ecologist-NUPPE deputy Hubert Julien-Laferrière (Lyon Center) promoted a particularly doubtful cryptocurrency project, at the instigation of the lobbyist Jean-Pierre Duthion, Reveals Mediapart, Tuesday February 21 .
At a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, of which he is a member, Mr. Julien-Laferrière had launched, a year ago, in a long development somewhat out of topic on Limocoin swap, a project cryptocurrency launched by the Cameroonian businessman Emile Perfect Simb. The latter has been the subject, since 2022, of very numerous complaints accusing him of having actually organized a ponzi system.
According to exchanges consulted by Mediapart, the intervention of the deputy was not entirely spontaneous; The subject of Limocoin Swap would have been slipped to him by the French lobbyist Jean-Pierre Duthion. This same lobbyist who provided Rachid M’Barki, the presenter of the BFM-TV night newspaper, currently suspended from the antenna while waiting for the results of an internal investigation, subjects and images provided by customers. Some of these subjects had been discovered at the start of the year by MO12345lemonde and its partners as part of an investigation into the Israeli disinformation pharmacy team Jorge.
Prorusses networks
m. Julien-Laferrière assures with Mediapart not having been remunerated for his intervention promoting limoocoin, but concedes that he had met Mr. Dothion a few times, for meals in great Parisian restaurants set by Mr. Dothion, who did not wish Answering questions from the investigation site. The deputy acknowledges having “a little offended”.
Emile Perfect Simb, the creator of Limocoin praised by the deputy, left Cameroon in spring 2022. He has lived since in the Central African Republic, where he has, According to information from RFI , a diplomatic passport issued by the Bangui authorities. In 2022, he also launched an obscure “African organization of Russian -speaking”, partner of a Russian university, and is supported, on social networks, by several prorussian influencers.
As Mediapart notes at the beginning of 2022, a network of Twitter accounts whose activity seems coordinated has actually appeared on the social network, mainly in order to legitimize this cryptocurrency. Many accounts have thus shared an online petition now bringing together more than eight thousand signatures in support of Emile Perfect Simb. “We ask the big players in the world of cryptos like Binance, to stop disinformation about limoocoin,” urges this petition. The text seems to respond directly to
MO12345lemonde was able to identify many Twitter accounts which seem to have been created between the end of 2021 and early 2022 in order to defend Liyplimal, the Limocoin Swap and Emile Perfect Simb. However, these accounts do not seem to be connected to the network of false accounts of Team Jorge and do not correspond to the operation of the usual “avatars” of the Israeli company.