Five employee unions have until Wednesday to sign this agreement for a long time negotiated with employers’ unions.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
Responding to the call of the negotiating parties and the labor name, Elisabeth Borne promised Monday February 20 to transcribe into the law an agreement concluded between unions of employees and employers unions on “sharing of value”, which generalizes Interesting or participation systems in companies. “We will respect the compromise found between the social partners and we will propose the faithful and total transcription of this agreement in the law,” said the Prime Minister, by calling this agreement as “very rich” and “historic” for SMEs .
This agreement, which extends to all companies with more than 11 employees and should appear in the “full-employment” bill which should be presented in the spring, is open to the signing of trade union organizations and employers until Wednesday. Among the five unions of negotiating workers’ employees, the CFDT and the CFTC have already announced their intention to sign it. The CFE-CGC seems more reluctant, as well as the CGT.
“We are rather satisfied with the work done, even if it does not correspond to our ambitions of departure,” said Karen Gournay, Confédérale de Force Ouvrière, with the world.
M me borne expressed itself during an agreement in Paris on this theme organized by the Presidential Party, Renaissance. “This agreement is first of all proof that despite the context” of the conflict between the government and the unions on pension reform “social dialogue continues and bears fruit,” said the government’s head.
She hoped that the expected proposals of Renaissance, if issued by “the entry into force of the National Interprofessional Agreement, in 2025”, be “faithful to the agreement and collect the approval of the approval of all signatory parties “. The boss of Modem deputies, Jean-Paul Mattei, author of an amendment rejected by the executive to tax more “superdividends”, deemed “essential to stick as much as possible” in the agreement of the social partners, while Louis Vogel (Horizons) pleaded for “greater individualization” of profit -sharing devices.
At the end of November, Renaissance had advocated the establishment of a compulsory “employee dividend” system for all businesses, as well as “superparticipation” for companies with at least 50 employees carrying out “superdividends “.
The pattern of Medef, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, expressed the wish on Sunday that the government “takes up this agreement” as it is on the grounds that “all unraveling” would be “a stab in the back of the social partners”. The secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, also asked on Monday that the agreement be “respected in parliament”, otherwise “it would be a hook in social democracy. There has been too much to start again” .