Star lawyer for politico-financial files, he had notably defended Nicolas Sarkozy, Serge Dassault and Charles Pasqua. It suffered from Alzheimer’s disease.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
Pierre Haïk, star lawyer for politico-financial files who notably defended Nicolas Sarkozy, Serge Dassault and Charles Pasqua, died at the age of 72, announced Sunday, February 19 On Twitter Eric Dupond-moretti, Keeper of the Seals and Old Lawyer:
“immense sadness by learning the death of Master Haïk whose talent has inspired more than one lawyer. Pierre will remain as one of the greatest of our time.”
immense sadness by learning the death of Master Haïk whose talent inspired more than one lawyer. Pierre will remain com…
“The bar loses one of its greatest defenders. We are in mourning”, wrote For her part the Bâtonnière de Paris, Julie Couturier, who addressed her condolences to his wife, M e Jacqueline Laffont, herself tenor of the bar, and to their children.
“” Each affair is a fight that must be waged as a boxer. I have never arrived at the trial without anxiety in the belly. “We will keep in us the teaching of Pierre Haïk. With faith. Like a commitment”, has for his part Tweeted The vice-bâtonnier de Paris, Vincent Nioré.
on Twitter , The association of criminal lawyers welcomed “a giant, in combativeness and infinite intelligence. We have so many to admire it and to inspire it”.
associated with Thierry Herzog
Pierre Haïk, born in Algeria in 1950, had Alzheimer’s disease. He had moved slowly from courts in 2019.
He joined the start of his career with Thierry Herzog, another star of the bar with whom he had defended robbers and drug traffickers.
He was the lawyer for ex-minister of the interior Charles Pasqua, of the businessman Alfred Sirven in the Elf case, by Michel Roussin, the right arm of Jacques Chirac, in the file of Fictitious jobs of the town hall of Paris or of the former President of the Republic Nicolas Sarkozy, whom he defended with his wife. He had also been the council with the latter of Patrice de Maistre in the Bettencourt case or more recently of Alexandre Benalla, ex-mission charged to the Elysée under the first mandate of Emmanuel Macron.
“Pierre was all about we continue to defend those who had trusted us when we started”, had declared to point Jacqueline Laffont in 2020. “We are more intelligent, in the sense that we know more people, psychological springs, situations, when we get out of our world.”