This premium is added to the salary increases announced above and to the sums provided for participation and profit -sharing. Sales of the French group flew in 2022.
by Juliette Garnier
The transfer will be made at the end of February. Credited amount: 4,000 euros. Hermès announced, Friday, February 17, only exceptional, each of its 19,700 employees worldwide would receive this sum. This premium follows the general increase in its wages in France by 6 % in 2022 and the increase of 100 euros occurred in January and renewed in July 2022.
By including participation and profit-sharing in the results of the company, an employee Hermès in France (the company employs 12,400 people in France) affects the equivalent of seventeen months of salary per year , said Axel Dumas, manager of Hermès, on the occasion of the presentation of the group’s annual results.
The payment of this premium is a “value sharing” policy, “said the leaders of the company. It goes hand in hand with an increase in the dividend distributed to shareholders. Hermès, whose title exchanges 1,749 euros on the Paris Stock Exchange, increases his dividend at 13 euros, against 8 euros for the financial year 2021.
2,100 jobs created in one year
These generosity result from a 2022 exercise marked by exceptional profitability. The current operating profit was 4.7 billion euros, which represents 41 % of its turnover in 2022 (against 39.3 % in 2021). Last year, the brand known for its hand -sewn handbags generated 11.6 billion euros in sales, 23 % more than in 2021.
quarter after quarter, the vigor of these has increased by more than 20 %, including in the last three months of 2022 (+23 %), while the pandemic due to COVID-19 flambé in China and penalized his competitors. “We did not have a drop in traffic in China in our stores,” noted Mr. Dumas.
In 2022, Hermès devoted 518 million euros to its investments, including 214 million for its stores and distribution and 192 million euros in its production units (52 sites in France). The brand, which employs 6,000 craftsmen, says it has created 2,100 jobs in one year, including 1,400 in France. Its workforce has doubled in the space of ten years.