This former member of the High Council for Equality between Women and Men and former Deputy Director of Human Resources at the Ministry of Culture held a file entitled “Experiments P”, which lists nearly 200 victims.
by Rémi Dupré and Lucie Soullier
“We won! At least partially …” Rose – The first names of the victims were modified – has just read, Thursday, February 16, of the judgment of the administrative court of Paris, which condemned the State to compensate it , like six other victims of Christian N., an amount between 11,000 and 16,000 euros. Former sub-director of human resources of the Ministry of Culture, Christian N., 60, “admitted to having imposed humiliating situations” on the women he received in an interview, specifies the administrative court. Namely: sprinkle their diuretic coffee, force them to hold back to the impossible and hold a painting of what he called his “P experiences”, photographs and details in support.
But if the court recognizes a “fault” which, “by its gravity”, “engages the responsibility of the administration which employs it”, the administrative judge describes it as “detachable personal fault of the service”. Which satisfies “half” Inès, another victim of the senior official, who intends to appeal. His lawyer, Capucine des Ligs, specialist in public law with the Foundation of Women, is distinguished that there is “no recognition of a state, service, disorganization”. For its part, the ministry refuted, in its memory in defense, to have had “knowledge of inappropriate and reprehensible behaviors from Mr. N.” and claims to have put everything in place as soon as he was aware of the facts: Immediate reporting to the public prosecutor, provisional suspension then revocation. “The ministry knew and closed their eyes for years on this,” challenges in return e Cécile Kurz, who defends another complainant.
On the criminal component of the case, Christian N. was indicted in 2019 for “administration of aggravated harmful substance”, “sexual assault per person abusing his authority”, “attack on the intimacy of the Private life “,” violence per person responsible for a public service mission “and” import and detention of drugs classified as psychotropic drugs “. On the victims side, a judicial source counts to date “75 people referred to by the introductory and supplementary indictments”, but all the civil parties have not yet been formed, and this figure could still largely increase. The accusations are multiplying as much as the instruction drags.
The survey – revealed by Le Canard Enchaîné and Liberation – started five years ago. In June 2018, Christian N., then Deputy Regional Director of Grand-Est Cultural Affairs, was surprised taking pictures of the “reassembled dress” of the sub-prefect. But the case does not stop there. On a USB key left in his office, his successor falls on an Excel table entitled “P” – “P” for “pee”, explains Christian N. to investigators. There are 181 interviews carried out with women aged 20 to 50 – but the vast majority of 20 to 35 years – between May 2009 and December 2015.
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