Farhad Khosrokhavar, sociologist: “Without real support, revolt in Iran is running out of steam”

The movement, carried by Iranian women, who started in mid-September 2022 after the death of Mahsa Amini, is in crisis. Protests in major cities have been more or less matted. Those who remain are most often held at night, on the roofs, sometimes in the street, with a dozen or a hundred young people.

Only the two ethnic regions, Kurdistan (to the west) and Balutchistan (southeast), continue to maintain the dispute, but they are more and more marginalized and do not find echo in The rest of Iran. For the past few weeks, under the weight of repression (more than 500 dead, some 20,000 arrests), this movement for democracy has marked suit. As soon as local leaders appear, they are arrested or put to death.

The government’s blockage of internet access accentuates the difficulty of mobilizing for the population exhausted by the brutality of the repression and by the lack of perspective. The regime’s strategy is to decapitate a generation to guarantee relative peace, rather than dealing with social problems and responding to requests for political openness.

From the start, the movement was fragile, due to a lack of leadership and a lack of organization (repression made them impossible). However, he shaken the mullahs’ regime and shown his illegitimacy for several weeks of heroic resistance, before being undermined. A generation of activists (especially young and very young) was, if not beheaded, silenced by a blind repression, almost to the Syrian.

As for the generation of parents and grandparents, scalded by the repression of previous revolts (2009, 2015, 2016-2018) and fearing to lose its livelihoods, it did not dare to get into the Street. The young people had to act alone. Their revolt was not sufficient to kneel the superfood regime of the Ayatollahs. The only effective institutions in this thanatocratic regime are those of physical repression and embedding.

The company is pointing out

Iranian society will not give in to this honored regime whose demonstrators claim the overthrow by singing: “Down down the dictatorship!” The revolted youth is neutralized in its activist fringe by imprisonment, exile or killing. The company is becoming appalible over the days (for four months, the dollar has been overvalued by almost 50 %, and the inflation rate has increased accordingly). From now on, the middle classes join the poor and suffer from shortages and price growth.

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/Media reports cited above.