has its lowest level since 2008, the rate of unemployed assets stands at 7.2 %, or 0.1 point less compared to the previous quarter. The share of 15-29 year olds without activity is going upwards.
by Thibaud Métais
There will have been no reversal to the job market in 2022. Contrary to what the economic situation suggested, the unemployment rate once again remained almost stable in the fourth quarter, with a very Slight drop of 0.1 point compared to the previous three months. It is now 7.2 % of the active population in France (excluding Mayotte). Above all, it is 0.3 point at the level reached a year earlier, and from a point compared to its level before the crisis linked to the COVID-19. It is its lowest level since the first quarter of 2008.
The number of unemployed, within the meaning of the International Labor Office (ILO) – Deter definition than that of job seekers registered in Pôle Emploi files – decreased by 45,000 compared to the previous quarter, Now amount to 2.2 million people, according to statistics published on Tuesday, February 14, by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE).
This quasi-stability concerns all age categories. In the quarter, it is the unemployment rate of young people (15-24 years) which drops the most highly, from one point, to 16.9 %. This is 4.9 points below the pre-crisis level. A figure which is still explained in part by that of learning, which should cross a new record in 2022. If the final statistics will not be known until the end of February, there are for the moment nearly 810 000 apprenticeship entries from January to November 2022, according to the Ministry of Labor. The unemployment rate of 25-49 year olds is completely stable, at 6.5 %, and the unemployment rate of seniors (50 years or more) reduces barely (- 0.1 point) to 5 %.
These trends are slightly contrasting by more negative data, in particular the share of young people (15-29 years) being neither in activity, nor in training, nor in study, which starts upwards. After a decline of 0.5 points in the previous quarter, it increases over the last three months of 2022 by 0.9 point, to 12.5 %. In addition, the “halo around unemployment” – the inactive people who wish to have a position but are not considered as unemployed, failing to fulfill the criteria of the bit (do research, be available) – is very slightly growing on the Same period (+ 38,000 people), according to INSEE. 2> “Better quality” contracts ”
This job market situation, if it turns out to be delightful, continues to leave economists highly perplexed. While France has been experiencing an economic shock of an unprecedented magnitude due to inflation with sluggish growth for almost a year, the negative impact of this situation on employment still does not take place. An absence of correlation which is explained, in addition to learning, by a strong retention of labor on the part of companies.
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