It involves “freeing medical time and facilitating access to health”, according to the Minister Delegate to the Minister of Health and Prevention, Agnès Firmin-Le Bodo. The left has abstained on the entire bill.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
Despite the protests of doctors, the Senate adopted Tuesday February 14 at first reading, a text for direct access to certain nurses, physiotherapists and speech therapists. The vote was acquired by 199 votes for and 14 against. MEPs and senators will now try to agree on a common text in joint joint committee.
In long -term fight against medical deserts, the Deputy Proposal for Renaissance Stéphanie Rist also aims to expand nurses in advanced practice (IPA), which would now be authorized to make certain care prescriptions and Medicines.
Patients could thus go to these caregivers without going through a doctor, but still in the context of a “coordinated exercise” with the latter.
“structural problem” versus “parcel responses”
“The objective is in no way to put aside the general practitioner,” assured the Minister Agnès Firmin-Le Bodo, while liberal doctors demonstrated against this text and to claim better rates. It is for the government to “free medical time and facilitate access to health”.
“Do not be chimerly, this text opposes a structural problem with plot responses and will not solve the serious difficulties with which some of our fellow citizens are confronted,” warned the rapporteur Corinne Imbert (Lr).
Senators have given their agreement to these provisions, but by supervising them, so as to “guarantee the safety of care” and “maintain the central role of the doctor in the coordination and monitoring of patients”.
“Put the problem on the table”
In addition, they have introduced a new article paving the way to compensation for non-honored appointments among health professionals, and to financial penalty for indelicate patients. This initiative has been debated, in particular on the responsibility of meeting platforms. The Minister of Health, François Braun, deemed it “premature”, while the left considered that it was likely to prepare the most fragile patients more. For M me imbert, “it is not a question of stigmatizing”, but “at least put on the table” the problem.
With the Minister’s consent, the Senate has deleted the possibility for the physiotherapist to prescribe an adapted physical activity (APA).
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The left has abstained throughout the bill, Bernard Jomier (PS) reproaching the government for “crystallize Oppositions between health professions where it takes more cooperation “.