Pension reform: unstable alliance between government and Republicans

The Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, offered a new concession to the right to try to ensure her support, before undergoing a camouflet on article 2. Emmanuel Macron is irritated by “oppositions [which ] have lost their compass “.

by Ivanne Trippenbach and Alexandre Pedro

The alliance of Emmanuel Macron with the right suffered a blow in the wing. In the fall of 2022, the Head of State made his eyes sweet to this potential partner, in the program “L’Evénement” on France 2, while directing his anger at the new Ecological and Social People’s Union (NUPPES) , who had put himself “hand in hand with the national rally” (RN) to try to bring down the government. He then stretched “cynicism and disorder” of a “baroque coalition”.

Wednesday, February 15, Emmanuel Macron this time placed the Republicans (LR), the gourmet and versatile ally in the debate on pension reform, behind the line of adversaries. “Oppositions have lost their compass,” thundered the President of the Republic, in the Council of Ministers. “Those who defended the 65-year-old dry year olds less than a year ago are now opposed to 64 years with support,” he castigated, in reference to the LR program in the presidential election.

It is indeed from the party of Eric Ciotti, however pampered by the power, that the first camouflet came to the presidential majority on his text reforming pensions, the previous evening in the National Assembly, With the rejection of the “senior index”. But Emmanuel Macron’s blow of blood also masks tactical stammerings, at the top of a government inclined to put himself in the hand of the right.

Tuesday, February 14, during questions to the government, Elisabeth Borne took short her Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, and that of finance, Bruno Le Maire, and granted a new gesture to the Distant Wing of LR – those Who started working at 17 will be able to reach their full retreat after contributing forty-three years. “We will see if it works”, we whispered in Matignon, shortly after the surprise announcement.

“This vote is not understandable”

missed. A few hours later, 38 LR deputies out of 62 voted against the “senior index”, with the cloud and the RN. “This vote is not understandable,” reacted Olivier Véran, government spokesperson on Wednesday, evoking a “slightly more winding parliamentary path” than expected. “We lost a small battle,” conceded an advisor to Emmanuel Macron at the same time, pointing “a strategy taken by the Prime Minister” … History is not over, we catch up in Matignon, where We assure that this concession on long careers will allow “secure” the most sensitive article, that on the legal starting age, at the heart of the reform.

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/Media reports cited above.